Get ready for a change

Change has been defined as an act or process through which something or someone becomes different. It means to alter, vary modify or improve something. Change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another.

According to George Bernard Shaw, ‘progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything’. Change is directly related to effectiveness because we live in an ever -changing world where people, businesses, technology and systems are constantly changing.

Families, communities even friends experience changes.

  • Salvation is change
  • Sanctification is change
  • Obedience is change
  • Forgiveness is change
  • Mercy is change
  • Marriage is change
  • Parenting is change
  • Losing a job is change
  • Starting a new business is change
  • Moving to a new home is change

It has been said that ‘although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress. (John Wooden). The real change takes place in the mind. The bible says  ‘as he thinks in his heart, so is he’ (Proverbs 23:7).

God is interested in constructive and progressive changes in the lives of His children, so He sends His word to challenge and inform us (Psalms 107:20). That is the reason He calls people to come out of their homes, nations, and follow Him to a land that He will show them. From Abraham to Joseph, Moses to David, even our Lord Jesus Christ, they all experienced changes in their lives.

Saul had to change to Paul the Apostle after his encounter with the Lord.

Do you see God in your changed situation or do you blame Him?

Autumn is changing to winter now, do we appreciate the fact that the elements are doing their assignments to enrich the earth. The world is made up of changes in various stages, the bible calls it times and seasons. Those who resist or obstruct changes can not go far in life!

What would you change about your life now for you to have significant progress?

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