A Parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Looking for a way forward?
Are you searching for meaning in life?
Gotten to a point where you simply can’t move on?
We are here to help.

Who We Are
We are an offspring of the international network of the RCCG worldwide under the leadership of Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of this mission. We are a Bible-believing pentecostal church with a multicultural congregation.
What We Do
We believe that God has good plans for everyone and He has called us to lead people to the fulfillment of His plans. At the core of our mission are soul-winning, prayer, and Bible study. We invite you to join us in this exciting, divine, and glorious vision.
Useful External Links
Open Heavens Daily Devotional Online
Read the Open Heavens Devotional for today
RCCG 52 Christian Basic Bible Lessons
Get access to 52 unadulterated and balanced spiritual diet